July 20, 2009

give me land lots of land under starry skies above

Westward ho! We were thinking of leaving today, but we're putting it off until tomorrow. Still getting ready. I feel like I don't get to be home very much, and I'm really enjoying that right now, even though I'm happy to go travelling, too. We're going to be pretty chillaxed on this one...camping, staying as long as want where we like, going west 'til we hit the mountains and then finding our way back again.

So I have my knitting planned as follows: two tops and two pairs of socks. All are barely cast on at this point, all highly portable, on circular needles. Lots of car knitting time, though trickier during the 50% of the time I'm doing the driving. Roughly 2 weeks. There are at least 10 yarn stores and a fibre mill I know of already in our loop, so I could top up, if necessary. I guess I'm good.

The laptop's not coming, so see you later 'gators!


  1. Wow that sounds great! Have a great time - can't wait for your blog posts about it when you get back.

  2. don't fence me in! (have you heard the david byrne version of that?)

    have a great time. there are few things i love more than the way the scent of campfire makes its way into my clothes, hair, everything.

    can't wait for your loop report when you return!
