February 28, 2010

yet another post about a blob

Apart from the obvious fact I was so deluded about the remote possibility of completing this sweater by today....man. It has already nearly done me in. What you see above is hours and hours of tedious work which in its production has yielded an increasingly heavier thing to suspend, so my hands have been a bit achey (and keep getting that weird 'film' on them from the superwash yarn). I would also just start to gain some speed on each side before hitting the side ribbing I once thought was so cool, then pick through that, then try to speed up again on the other side...suffice to say it has been a bit labourious.

BUT. I am within an inch (an inch I tell you!) of an extremely exciting part (besides the multiple steeks I am already involved with). I finally get to grab my ball of red and my ball of white and do a bit of colourwork at the shoulders. Woo hoo!

And the very best part is to come - the sleeves, which I know from experience will each be a smaller circumference than this mammoth body and are practically half colourwork besides. And I will have been through the worst of it, so I will be completely motivated to see the whole thing through. Even though I won't have any more Olympic coverage to keep me company. I'm going to miss that. It's been awesome.

Hope you're having a good weekend.


  1. hooray for being almost through the worst of it! i do love how that ribbing looks on the sides, and i can't wait to see the yoke take shape! happy weekend to you, too.

  2. Yes the Olympics have been awesome! Your sweater is just getting to the good parts!

  3. Can't wait to see the color work on it. I can pass on the steeks though. Not sure I'm up to that point yet. I'm sure you will get it done fast now with the "boring" part finished. :)

  4. Your skills always amaze me and it's great when you talk "knit".

    And wow so many people have commented and this post is only three hours old!

    Enjoy the hockey game - hope you're watching.
